NovaCool Medical Thermo Bags
A major break-through in temperature sensitive, medication protection

NovaLogo Austria is a small, family held design boutique, which specializes in the invention and development of special, thermo protective materials that protect against heat and cold, both persons and products. Our initial entry into this domain was based on sport event requirements for high quality materials that could withstand the destructive elements of both winter cold and summer heat extremes, for banners and flags, competitors numbered and logo’d competition bibs, as well as some temperature protective  winter or summer protective clothing for high performance athletes.


The high quality of our products led to large contracts for Mega Events, such as the Lillehammer, Nagano, Salt Lake City, and Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics plus the 2015 Toronto Pan Am Games.


As an offshoot of our involvement, we were approached by Sport Event Organizers to develop Thermo Protective Medical Bags for First Aid Responders to injured athletes. These First Aid Responders were needed to give immediate first aid relief, whether to Alpine Skiers, high up in the mountains on a ski slope, or to Desert Runners in the Sahara,  miles away from any rescue station.


Yet the medication had to be administered safe from any temperature degradation – and that is when the NovaLogo Thermo Bags were needed. Seeing the thermo protective qualities of these Thermo Bags, made with the specially developed NovaCool material – it was not long before we were approached by major European Pharmaceutical companies like Sandoz, Medice, Hospira and Therabel.


These Mega Pharmaceutical companies have placed Therma Bag orders by the thousands, and repeated by the thousands. Signifying great product acceptance. But these NovaLogo Thermo Bags are just one of the many products NovaLogo has developed, as featured on our various websites in the field of Medication Thermo Protection, Event Supplies for Mega Sports Events and Innovative High quality Advertising and Marketing Items for In or Outdoor Promotions.


All our products are invented and designed in Austria and made in Europe. Innovative Quality is our Strength.


NovaLogo of the Americas is proud to be associated with NovaLogo Austria since 1990. In the field of marketing and sales support, translation of sales brochures, and marketing research. Plus, establishing new sales opportunities for NovaLogo Austria in various countries around the world.